Warming Homes, Warming Hearts
Israeli Electric Company

In Partnership with
The Israel Electric Corporation

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Iris Ben-Shachal is the spokeswoman for the Israeli Electric Company in Israel. Warm the needy has been working together with the IEC to subsidize the electric bills of poor families in Israel.

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Did you know?

  • One in three children in Israel go to sleep cold at night.
  • Thousands of children in Israel get chronicaly ill each winter due to lack of adequate heating.
  • Warm the Needy helped over 1,000 families in 2006.

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News & Events

Students raise over $2,000 for Warm the Needy.

Minneapolis , Minnesota :

This past Chanukah, Warm the Needy teamed up with the Torah Academy of Minneapolis to raise funds to help thousands of needy Israelis. Under the direction of Rabbi Ginsberg, a school – wide initiative was launched lasting one week. Prizes were awarded to the student and the class that brought in the most money.

Thanks to their hard work, the students raised over $2,000 for the cause. They were encouraged by their teachers to make the rounds among their family, friends, and community and they were quite successful!

The funds raised by Torah Academy of Minneapolis went directly to Warm the Needy's 1,469 families receiving heaters and electricity subsidies. In absolute numbers, the students at Torah Academy enabled Warm the Needy to keep eight additional families warm and healthy throughout the entire winter.

Warm the Needy is extremely grateful to Rabbi Ginsberg and the entire staff at Torah Academy for their generous support and effort. We look forward to future projects and thank all the students of Torah Academy for helping us warm the hearts and homes of Israel 's needy.

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