Warming Homes, Warming Hearts
Israeli Electric Company

In Partnership with
The Israel Electric Corporation

About Us

Featured Profile

Featured Profile

The Eliyahu family finds itself in dire straits. Mrs. Eliyahu suffers from diabetes and requires a lot of care, resulting in her inability to work. Additional expenses accrue from the schooling and therapy of their special needs child.

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Did you know?

  • In absolute numbers, there were about 404,000 poor families in 2006, including some 1,650,000 individuals and 796,000 children. (NII)
  • One in five Israeli families are defined as poor One in four adults,one in three children. (NII)
  • Israel's poverty rate among children is very high, placing it close to the top on the international scale.

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Donate Now!

Sponsor a child!

Sponsor a family!

YES! I would like to sponsor a family! It costs $250 to sponsor a family for one year. This will provide heat for one family for a year which includes both a heater and electric bills.

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Sponsor a child!

Sponsor a family's electric bills!

YES! I would like to sponsor a family's electric bills. It costs $200 to pay for a family's electric bills for one year.

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Sponsor a child!

Donate a heater!

YES! I would like to donate a heater to a needy family. It costs $50 to donate a heater. This will provide warmth for a needy family.

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Sponsor a child!

Sponsor a child!

YES! I would like to sponsor a child. It costs $36 to sponsor a child. This will provide heat for one child for a year.

Donate Now!

Sponsor a child!

Choose your own amount

I would like to donate an amount that is not detailed above.

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Donate by mail:

Mail cash or check donations to:


Warm the Needy
1449 Heathwood Ave. Suite 101
Lakewood N.J. 08701

Tax Id #: 20-112-4242

In Israel

Warm the Needy
Rechov Menachem Meshiv 4 Apt. 6
Jerusalem, Israel 94465

For Israeli Tax deductable donations please make checks payable to Darkei Miriam

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