Warming Homes, Warming Hearts
Israeli Electric Company

In Partnership with
The Israel Electric Corporation

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Iris Ben-Shachal is the spokeswoman for the Israeli Electric Company in Israel. Warm the needy has been working together with the IEC to subsidize the electric bills of poor families in Israel.

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Did you know?

  • One in three children in Israel go to sleep cold at night.
  • Thousands of children in Israel get chronicaly ill each winter due to lack of adequate heating.
  • Warm the Needy helped over 1,000 families in 2006.

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The Eliyahu Family's story

The Eliyahu family finds itself in dire straits. Mrs. Eliyahu suffers from diabetes and requires a lot of care, resulting in her inability to work. Additional expenses accrue from the schooling and therapy of their special needs child.

Their house is old and was not built with any heating whatsoever. The family did own a radiator but Mrs. Eliyahu would not plug it in because of the ensuing electric bill. When the house became freezing, the children would cry, begging their mother to turn it on. But knowing she would be unable to pay for electricity, the helpless mother had to ignore her children's pleas.

Finally someone referred them to Warm the Needy. Warm the Needy quickly undertook to subsidize the cost of electricity that would result from the heat. The Eliyahu children at least look forward to coming into a warm house during the cold weather.

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Yosef Cohen, Father of 10 children

The Berger family

Debra Schwartz, Mother of three

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